Nancy Grinstead, Founder and CEO was struggling to move on with life, I had little rest in my spirit from day to day.
There was a battle going on in my mind.
I struggled like never before to pick up the real estate life that came so naturally for the previous eighteen years.
Ministry? "God, nobody wants to hear my testimonies. Yet, I could not stop sharing for years.
I had a tug on my heart, that I was to be a traveling testimony.
It was not until I sensed in my spirit that I was in the belly of the whale similar to the way JONAH had been.
I said, " Yes, Lord. I will surrender to the call."
A call I felt in my heart, twenty five years earlier at a New Hope Rivival.
I spent an many days and nights in an apartment in Sevierville Tennessee alone seeking God's direction.
I was broken and tired. I wanted the life I had known back. I studied the Bible and I sought answers from God. As, I went about my daily schedule I paid close attention to the direction and guidance I was receiving throughout the day and through prayer.
God spoke to this once wonder woman's heart in 2016.
How little did I know, I was about to become a seed planter for Jesus Christ.
I was to find the little red salvation bible like the one, I received in 1971 at an outdoor revival.
It was late 2017, after my family had experienced numerous horrific battles and during the time we were losing our dream home, being displaced.
The many battles to get Insurance, to keep insurance, the many hospitals and physician visits, the seven plus years to get a liver transplant, me working a fallen real estate market, my husband experienced a stroke that paralyzed him. The two most important men in my life, at the same time, were suffering from these horrific strokes. I was taking care of daddy, whom, I had brought from a nursing home in SC. to a nursing home in Tn.., while I was so sick, fighting for a liver, fighting to keep a sick young man's liver. Richard could no longer build homes, daddy had two massive strokes, left to never talk again, except for one sentence that God blessed daddy to say clearly, many times a day until the last six days before he passed in 2011. I lost my mom in 2019 seven months after the loss of our family dream home,
The only home my husband would ever build for us.
We had moved Mr. Ales he was forty six years young, the first family, I had sold a piece of land to.
died of liver cancer a week after moving him into our home.
I had taken POA to help care of Mrs. Ginny Davidson who passed at ninety three years young.
I traveled to Fort Mill, S.C. in 2012 to bring Ginny back to Tennessee to live out the rest of her life around her church family.
During this time, I had place Mrs. Ginny in the Widows Care Center, then Assisted Living, and in Pigeon Forge Nursing home, and after death, cremation.
Mrs. Ginny, a christian woman who loved and prayed for everyone she came into contact with.
Ginny received a social security check.
it took ten months working with the state of Tennessee to get Mrs. Ginny on medicaid after President Obama had taken office.
Mrs. Ginny had no family to step up to take care of her.
I believed when Mrs. Ginny when she said she was praying for me. I believe Ginny's consistently praying my family and me for years before and during transplant made a difference.
My heart kept sensing Mrs. Ginny's need for someone
to care of her in her last days.
I would prayed consistently and earnestly for God not to let me turn my back on her if he had called me to help. God called. :)
I no longer could visit Mrs. Ginny every week,
My sister, Kathy Hardwick moved in our big house with us during the horrific battle to hold onto our home while fighting her own horrific battles.
Kathy selfishly stepped up into my place and visited Mrs. Ginny every week while we were moving out of our home. Literally, a move from hell.
Kathy spent two hours reading Mrs. Ginny her bible, and polishing Ginny's nails and toes.
It takes a humble soul to touch others during their dying days.
Mrs. Kathy is that kind of a woman after God's own heart.
I spent near a year searching for that little red bible.
One day, Mrs. Ginny received a letter in the mail from a old friend in Pennsylvania.
It was not until, I began to read the last page of the letter, surprised is an under statement, there it was, the same little red bible taped to the back of the letter with an address.
The same little red Bible, I received from an old man, at age eleven at an outdoor christian revival grandma Hardwick and I attended in Marion South Carolina in 1971.
God is a God of Restoration.
I believe in the power of divine healing.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I believe in the great physician .
I believe in the power God gives physicians and medicine to heal.
I believe we must take our own health into our own hands.
Mr. Lee Wertheim, Director
Director, CPA
Owner and Retired CPA
Lee and Associates
Mr. Lee is one of the founders of the Boys and Girls club in Sevierville Tennessee.
Mr. Lee has known Nancy Grinstead and been her CPA since she and Richard first moved to Sevierville, Tennessee in 1992.
Mr. Lee has watched Nancy grow in he
Mr. Lee Wertheim, Director
Director, CPA
Owner and Retired CPA
Lee and Associates
Mr. Lee is one of the founders of the Boys and Girls club in Sevierville Tennessee.
Mr. Lee has known Nancy Grinstead and been her CPA since she and Richard first moved to Sevierville, Tennessee in 1992.
Mr. Lee has watched Nancy grow in her business and in her family.
He has witnessed many of the ups and downs through The Ginsteads battles to stay alive and afloat.
Thank you, Lee for your long time friendship, your belief in the ministry and for agreeing to be the Lead Director, and CPA.
Mrs. Geraldine Wilkins, Director
Director, Book Keeper
The owner of Bookeeping Services in Sevierville, Tennessee
Nancy met Geraldine back in the nineties when she was working for Lee Wertheim, CPA and Associates.
Mrs. Geraldine Wilkins, began keeping books for Nancy's real estate company, and Richards construction coming.
Geraldine and Nanc
Mrs. Geraldine Wilkins, Director
Director, Book Keeper
The owner of Bookeeping Services in Sevierville, Tennessee
Nancy met Geraldine back in the nineties when she was working for Lee Wertheim, CPA and Associates.
Mrs. Geraldine Wilkins, began keeping books for Nancy's real estate company, and Richards construction coming.
Geraldine and Nancy became close and remain good friends today.
Geraldine is faithful and stood by Nancy like glue during the long battle before and after Nancy receiving a Liver Transplant.
Thank You Geraldine for your long time friendship, your belief in the ministry and your willingness to be a Director and Bookkeepr of BCMS Ministry.
Mrs. Monica J. Hayward, Director, Secretary
Owner, Treasures of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
Mrs. Monica J. Hayward and Nancy met when Nancy became Rick and Monica Jolly's real estate agent back around 2008.
Monica J. Hayward, owner of Treasures of Pigeon Forge was the one friend that stuck by Nancy Grinstead and provided part-time work for her
Mrs. Monica J. Hayward, Director, Secretary
Owner, Treasures of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
Mrs. Monica J. Hayward and Nancy met when Nancy became Rick and Monica Jolly's real estate agent back around 2008.
Monica J. Hayward, owner of Treasures of Pigeon Forge was the one friend that stuck by Nancy Grinstead and provided part-time work for her during her nervous breakdown after transplant when her husband became ill, loss of work and TN Home when pushed to relocated back to Ole home place in Conway, SC. July 25th, 2018.
Thank you Monica for your long time friendship, your belief in the ministry and your willingness to be a Director and Treasurer of BCMS Ministry.
( I would not be where I am today had you not stuck by me like glue). :)
Founder, CEO, Chairman,
Director, Temporary Treasurer
Owner of Nancy Grinstead, Cabin and Home Real Estate Services and ABC Treasures LLC.
1. Immediate need or 2025-26
Secretary/Director - Passionate like minded individual who shares the same passion to see lives saved.
2. Immediate need for 2025-2026
Bookkeeper/ Treasurer needed
One with a proven tract record.
A person who will work along side of Nancy as a volunteer to achieve the ministry mission and vision.
Once we have a large amount of donations. Nancy will go before the
Director committee for a vote to become the first two employees, to be employed by the ministry. And, to ask for a weekly salary based on a percentage of all funds raised for the mission.
3. Volunteers who are willing to assist others when a need arises.
At least until we have a list of honest, licenses individuals willing to assist.
4. Non- Profit legal attorney(s),
5. Pastors, Musicians, Teachers, Speakers, Contractors, Helpers
6. Website designer to help manage website needs and social marketing.
7. NANCY'S primary mission as the first salvation planter is to continue to make handing out Bibles a priority.
Too promote and assist in holding functions that inspire food, fun, fellowship gifting parties
(to help improve and encourage great communication, and ways to help the disable and others to sell their handmade products, those who no nothing about marketing and lack the confidence and resources to help themselves).
Intercessors who will commit to praying daily for the ministry.
The ministry needs monetary donations for printing materials and Bibles of all sizes, gas, hotels, to make this salvation traveling ministry to grow into a large mustard seed tree for Jesus Christ.
Future need, Bibles and materials with the ministry logo imprinted when the items are in the process of publication.
Salvation Seed Planters - Volunteers wanted who will travel and witness with Nancy Grinstead, freely handing out Bibles for Christ.
Salvation Seed Planters, devote Christians who are willing to drive, use their vehicles until we have ministry vehicles, take photos, videos of live missions as as they are happening.
Salvation Seed Planters who love to explore and do not fear man.
Those who enjoy daily and weekly excursions to North Carolina , South Carolina, and Tennessee. Witnessing wherever we can including visiting door to door.
Expanding to other areas when God calls.
Camper, Van, Tents and Dependable Vehicle for use to Minister on the road, to go into cities, neighborhoods and state parks, etc.
Nancy Grinstead would love to have the necessary help to see tent revivals pop up at campgrounds, concerts, events, neighborhoods, parks, anywhere to share the gospel.
Small, medium and large campers, vans, cars, trucks donated are all tax deductible.
Monetary donations are tax deductible.
Donations are needed to help purchase bibles of all sizes
and to supply the items and expenses needed for the organization to minister to the public.
Mail donations to Butterflies Chasing Mustard Seeds Ministry Inc
PO. Box 7, Conway, SC. 29528
PayPal, Cash App, Vemo
As believers, we are called to serve others and make a positive impact in the world. At Butterflies Chasing Mustard Seeds Ministry, we are committed to outreach and service projects as God leads the ministry.
Email us
Will you connect today with JESUS? The only one who can save both body and soul.
Attention to the Public:
Butterflies Chasing Mustard Seeds Ministry does not share your contact information.
More legal information to come.
Copyright © 2024 Butterflies Chasing Mustard Seeds Ministry, Inc.- Copyrights reserved
Mail Donations to PO. Box 7 Conway, South Carolina, 29528
Established, August 20th, 2024
Nancy H. Grinstead, Founder/CEO
Non Profit Public Charity Status 170(b)(1)(A)(Vi)
- Construction by Nancy Grinstead written and corrected as the holy spirit inspires
Any and all information is subject to change to comply with the laws of advertising.